Fee Structure
Fee Structure for Medical Aid Patients
Since 2004 the fee structure called “contracted in” and “contracted out” has been done away with. This is the reason why Medical Professionals have moved to giving an estimate.
Our practice charges private tariffs, as the HPCSA ethical price list has been done away with.
Our Anaesthetists are all Specialist Anaesthetist (trained for 12 years and with 10-20 years – or more experience) where a market related professional fee is charged. The tariffs are merely to state that we do not have a contract with any medical aid, except Discovery (Classic And Executive Plan ONLY). Discovery (Classic and Executive Plans) your medical aid will advise you when phoning for authorisation, whether your anaesthetic account will be covered in full or not.
The Department of Health in conjunction with the Council of Medical Schemes has developed a National Health Reference Price List (NHRPL) to enumerate Medical Professionals. This National Health Reference Price List (NHRPL) has been found unconstitutional and no longer exists. The Medical Schemes decide what remuneration rate they will use. A significant portion of Medical Aids do offer 300% (of NHRPL) reimbursement cover for in-hospital treatment.
Your medical should be viewed as an insurance cover and the type of package one chooses will dictate what one’s excess payment will be.
Fee Structure for Private Patients
All private patients are to ensure that the estimated amount is paid prior to the date of the procedure, the banking details will be on the estimate which has been emailed to you.
The Anaesthetist will be advised the day before the procedure whether payment has been made or not.
Non-payment of this amount will cause unnecessary delays for the Anaesthetist to go ahead as scheduled.
When payment is made into our account, please use your surname and the surname of the surgeon who will be attending to you as a REFERENCE.
Payment may be made to the Anaesthetist prior to the operation or paid at our office rooms.
The tariffs are linked to time; thus, the actual amount may vary from the estimate. An estimated time based on an average for the procedure is used when calculating the estimate.
The estimate is valid only for a particular patient and procedure.
The Anaesthetist may use extra procedure codes during the operation that may influence the estimation. This is not the final amount.